Z factory has introduced a new model: a replica of the Patek Philippe Calatrava, reference 6007A. While Z factory is a major player, they don’t produce many Patek Philippe replicas. The Calatrava and Aquanaut replicas are their most popular offerings. You can trust the quality of every timepiece from Z factory—they are top-notch.

This replica watch Calatrava is a basic three-hand model with a 39mm case diameter. It’s an elegant and casual watch, ideal for daily wear. It’s suitable for most men seeking a traditionally sized watch without complications.

The case, measuring 39mm in diameter and only 10.5mm thick, is perfect for men who want a slim, moderately sized Patek Philippe watch. The brightly polished case is smooth all over, with no rough edges or corners, showcasing excellent craftsmanship. Many factories in our market achieve this level of quality, but AR factory is known for the best case and bracelet manufacturing.

The blue dial features special patterns at the center, which likely have significance to Patek Philippe. The Arabic numeral hour markers and the hour and minute hands have Swiss luminescence coating. After absorbing light, the lume on the hour markers matches the lume on the hands, even in low-light conditions. Unlike some diver models from other factories, Z factory ensures consistent lume color across the watch, maintaining strict quality control.

The transparent case back reveals a beautifully decorated movement. This movement is based on the Miyota 9015 but has been modified with the correct auto rotor and movement plates, making it visually indistinguishable from the genuine calibre 324SC.

Owning a Patek Philippe symbolizes status, and a high-quality replica watch that looks identical to the genuine article, especially one made by a reputable manufacturer like Z factory, is a worthwhile purchase.